A Wine for Every Mother

A Wine for Every Mother
Saturday May 9, 2015
A Wine for Every Mother
So how do we choose a wine for Mom tomorrow? I was thinking of this yesterday and deciding that I first had to figure out my Mom, what wine does she resemble?
Is she crisp and cool like a Sauvignon Blanc? Composed in every situation with a fresh eye on what is going on? Will know what you are doing even if she has her back towards you?
Or is she flowery and colorful like a Viognier, full of surprises? Takes you on outings, suddenly decides to get ice cream?
Or is she more mature and balanced in her parenting role and can handle whatever is thrown at her in stride? Maybe Chardonnay for her, not too oaky though.
Maybe you find that she is a mix of everything you want a mother to be with depths of experience in her advice. Then she deserves a beautiful blend, a Bordeaux wine, a Meritage.
Maybe she is colorful and fun, has a sense of humor but with a spicy edge to it? A Zinfandel of course.
Does she keep her cool, but seems to have a mysterious past you cannot discern? A Pinot for her.
Maybe she is just the sweetest of Moms, makes everyone feel at home, comforting everyone. Then get her a luscious dessert wine.
But, if she is the Mom of Moms, who can handle everything, keeps you safe, is strong when times are tough, and is the hand to hold on to, saves every situation, but sometimes just gets so forceful it is scary.
Well, just get her the Cabernet Sauvignon! Just like her, the wine will mellow over time, can keep forever, but never lose its nerve.
So I have the perfect wine for my Mom now (not telling, it will be a surprise for her). I am wondering though, what wine will my children get me on for Mother’s Day?